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Syftet med min uppsats är att med fokus på det visuella uttrycket och camp som motståndsstrategi, undersöka vilka betydelser Army of Lovers har för HBTQ+ representation och identitetsskapande. Genom att undersöka betydelsen av förebilder och representation vill jag skapa ökad förståelse för vikten av representation och igenkännande har för identitetsskapande i marginaliserade grupper.

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With queer theory as a theoretical framework, Army of Lovers is examined in relation to camp, fandom and representation. Interview and Netography are used as methods. My informants come from several different countries and have in common that the queer representation that existed at the time Army of Lovers broke through was mainly AIDS related.
Army of Lovers is a Swedish pop band between 1988 and 1994, which has been resurrected over the years with different variations of members. During the 1990s, the band conquered the world from folk home Sweden to Eastern Europe and the USA with a series of hits with sensational videos, spectacular stage outfits, iconic album covers, attention-grabbing political comments. Their method and musical expression was unique and it lives on because it is still original. Over the years, the members have been active in various political parties. They have taken a stand on current issues, appeared in debate programs, and waged an active struggle with camp as a strategy to promote the LGBTQ+ discourse.
Whether they themselves are gay, queer, allies or somewhere in between, LGBTQ+ community role models are important, as the group is often excluded or marginalized.
I see Army of lovers as somewhat epochal for the 1990s. The graphic expression, the artistry, the songs, the sound and the videos with camp as a strategy helped to create a unique expression that did not follow any trend but formed its own twisted universe that was not appealing to everyone but that several of us loved above all else.
I believe Army of Lovers visual presentation was very important to their success. Although Army of Lovers' music is strong as a standalone, I believe that the entirety of their images, music videos, films, album covers and concerts have had a huge impact on the band's success. They spent the 1990s making sure homosexuality was something you could dance to. Army of Lovers is love. Army of Lovers is life.

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